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Parish Council Internal Auditors

All town and parish councils are required  to maintain an effective internal audit. For the smallest councils this may be carried out by a suitably knowledgeable local parishioner, other Councils may utilise the services of a local Clerk.For larger councils it unlikely that this form of provision will provide the level of expertise and experience required. The Practitioners Guide , which determines 'Proper Practices' sets out how local councils can meet their obligations.

The internal audit function must be sufficiently independent from the management of financial controls and procedure of the council which are the subject of review. The person or persons carrying out internal audit must be competent to carry out the role in a way that meets the business needs of the council

Source: The Practitioners Guide 2014

The importance of competence and integrity is crucial for the provision of good quality internal audit.  These values are key to the philosophy of IAC.

The integrity of internal auditors establishes trust and thus provides the basis for reliance on their judgement

Source: Public Sector Internal Audit Standards

Our clients can rely on our technical ability, our independence and our integrity when we undertake our work. They can also rest assured that our wide experience of local councils will add to the quality of the service we deliver.

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